대구외고 1학년 2학기 중간고사 시험분석(심화영어)-(5)

이상엽 쌤은 대구외고 수험생들을 위해 선생님들의 출제경향을 정확히 분석해 맞춤예상 문제를 제공합니다. 영어가 어렵고, 막막해서 공부 어디서 할까 고민이면, 찍신 이상엽 쌤을 찾으세요! 수업문의 010 2818 6994

학교 출제 문제 / 찍신 쌤 제작 문제 <비교>
찍신 쌤 시험대비 예상문제

[22~24] 다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.

By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized (a) authority. The desire to be free of controls was a basic value of the new nation in 1776, and it has continued to attract immigrants to this country. There is, however, a cost for this benefit of individual freedom: self-reliance. Individuals must learn to rely on themselves or risk losing freedom. They must take responsibility for themselves. Traditionally, this has meant achieving both financial and emotional independence from their parents as early as possible, usually by age eighteen or twenty-one. Self-reliance means that Americans believe they should take care of themselves, solve their own problems, and “stand on their own two feet.” Tocqueville observed the Americans’ belief in self-reliance in the 1830s:

They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are (b) apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.

This strong belief in self-reliance continues today as a traditional American value. It is perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the American (c) character to understand, but it is profoundly important. Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom. If they rely too much on the support of their families or the government or any organization, they may lose some of their freedom to do what they want. Even if they are not truly self-reliant, most Americans believe they must at least appear to be so. In order to be in the (d) mainstream of American lifeto have power and/or respectindividuals must be seen as self-reliant.

For example, if adult children return home to live with their parents because of economic conditions or a failed marriage, most members of the family expect this to be a short-term arrangement, until the children can find a job and be self-reliant. Although receiving financial support from (e) charity, family, or the government is possible, it is usually expected to be for a short time, and it is generally not admired. Eventually, most Americans would say, people have a responsibility for taking care of themselves.

22. 윗글의 밑줄 친 stand on their own two feet가 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

      manage their lives and destinies independently

      maintain one’s dignity or propriety when faced with challenges

     observe or adhere strictly or insistently to formalities

23. 윗글의 밑줄 친 (a)~(e)의 문맥상 의미로 적절하지 않은 것은?

     (a) : the power or right to direct or control someone or something

     (b) : having a tendency to do something

     (c) : the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves

     (d) : the thoughts, beliefs, and choices that are accepted by the largest number of people

     (e) : the act of giving money, food, or other kinds of help to people who are poor, sick, etc.

24. 윗글을 읽고 답을 추론할 수 있는 질문만을 <보기>에서 있는 대로 고른 것은?

<보 기>

a.       What is the fundamental concept of freedom as understood by Americans?

b.       What is the cost of individual freedom?

c.       How has the American concept of self-reliance evolved in modern times, especially in light of economic challenges like healthcare and education?

d.        How has the concept of self-reliance evolved in American society since Tocqueville’s observation in the 1830s, particularly in response to modern economic challenges?

e.       Why do Americans believe self-reliance is essential to maintaining freedom?

f.         What are some specific ways that contemporary Americans demonstrate or achieve self-reliance, and how do these practices compare to those of earlier generations?

g.       What does the passage suggest about how Americans view receiving financial support from family or the government?

a, b, d, g       a, c, e, g            b, d, f, g            b, c, d, g
a, b, e, g

정답 및 해설


해설: ‘스스로 발로 서다 자립적이거나 독립적이라는 의미의 관용구이다. 구절의 맥락에서 개인이 자신의 삶과 운명을 독립적으로 관리해야 한다는 미국의 자립 가치를 강조한다.


해설: (e) charity 뜻은 자선이다. 본문에서 charity 자선 단체의 뜻이다. 경우 charity 영어로 적으면 an organization that gives money, goods, or help to people who are poor, sick, etc. 



a. What is the fundamental concept of freedom as understood by Americans?

answer: Americans understand freedom as the desire and right of individuals to control their own destiny without interference from external authorities such as the government, ruling classes, churches, or other organized entities.

b. What is the cost of individual freedom?

answer: The cost of individual freedom is self-reliance. People must take responsibility for themselves, which includes achieving financial and emotional independence from their parents, usually by the age of 18 or 21, in order to maintain their freedom.

e. Why do Americans believe self-reliance is essential to maintaining freedom?
answer: Americans believe that if they rely too much on their family, government, or any organization for support,
they may lose some of their freedom to do as they wish.

g. What does the passage suggest about how Americans view receiving financial support from family or the government?
answer: Receiving financial support from family, charity, or the government is generally seen as acceptable only for a short period. It is not admired or encouraged in the long term, as people are expected to eventually become self-reliant and take care of themselves.

<답변할 수 없는 질문>
How has the American concept of self-reliance evolved in modern times, especially in light of economic challenges like healthcare and education?
현대에 미국의 자립 개념은 특히 의료 및 교육과 같은 경제적 문제에 비추어 어떻게 발전해 왔습니까?)
How has the concept of self-reliance evolved in American society since Tocqueville’s observation in the 1830s, particularly in response to modern economic challenges?
년대 토크빌의 관찰 이후, 특히 현대 경제적 도전에 대응하여 미국 사회에서 자립의 개념이 어떻게 발전해왔습니까?)
What are some specific ways that contemporary Americans demonstrate or achieve self-reliance, and how do these practices compare to those of earlier generations?

(현대 미국인들이 자립을 입증하거나 달성하는 구체적인 방법은 무엇이며, 이러한 관행은 이전 세대의 관행과 어떻게 비교됩니까?)

이상엽 쌤은 대구외고 수험생들을 위해 선생님들의 출제경향을 정확히 분석해 맞춤예상 문제를 제공합니다. 영어가 어렵고, 막막해서 공부 어디서 할까 고민이면, 찍신 이상엽 쌤을 찾으세요! 수업문의 010 2818 6994

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