대구외고 1학년 2학기 중간고사 영어 적중문제(4)

이상엽 쌤은 대구외고 수험생들을 위해 선생님들의 출제경향을 정확히 분석해 맞춤예상 문제를 제공합니다. 찍신 쌤은 1학년 2학기 중간고사 시험에서 9문제를 적중시켰습니다!! 게다가 찍신 쌤의 예상문제와 유사한 문제가 20 문제가 출제되어 찍신 쌤의 문제로 수업한 학생 모두 성적이 최소 10 점 이상 올랐습니다. 영어가 어렵고, 막막해서 공부 어디서 할까 고민이면, 찍신 이상엽 쌤을 찾으세요! 수업문의 010 2818 6994

학교 출제 문제 vs 찍신 쌤 출제 문제 [비교]

영어 서답형 4

찍신 쌤 시험대비 적중문제

4. 다음 글에 대해 추론할 있는 내용을 문장으로 작성하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B) 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [2.9]

 But I didn’t consider Rick’s house, because my mind had become filled once more with the Josie worries, and specifically the question of why the Sun hadn’t yet sent his special help as he’d done for Beggar Man and his dog. I’d first expected the Sun to help Josie in the days when she’d become weak before Morgan’s Falls. I’d then accepted that he’d perhaps been correct at that point to wait, but now with Josie so much weaker, and so many things concerning her future in uncertainty, it was puzzling why he continued to delay.
 I’d already given much thought to this matter, but now I was outside on my own, the fields so close and the Sun high above me, I was able to bring several speculations together. I could understand that for all his kindness, the Sun was very busy; that there were many people besides Josie who required his attention; that even the Sun could be expected to miss individual cases like Josie, especially if she appeared well looked after by a mother, a housekeeper and an AF. The idea came into my mind, then, that for her to receive the Sun’s special help, it might be necessary to draw his attention to Josie’s situation in some particular and noticeable way.

Klara wonders why the Sun hasn’t yet helped Josie despite her __(A)__ condition and speculates that it may be necessary to draw the Sun’s attention to her situation in a    (B)    way.

         (A)                     (B)

worsening ……  notable
ailing …………  selective
resilient ………  distinct
susceptible …… perceptible
unfavorable …… relevant

4. 제목: Waiting for the Sun’s Help for Josie (Josie를 위한 태양의 도움을 기다리며)
정답 ①
해석: Klara 태양이 Josie 상태가 악화되고 있음에도 불구하고 아직 Josie 돕지 않는지 궁금해하며, 눈에 띄는 방식으로 Josie 상황에 태양의 주의를 끌러야 필요가 있을지도 모른다고 추측한다.

resilient 회복력 있는 relevant 적절한, 관련 있는 susceptible 민감한, 예민한

대구외고 1학년 2학기 중간고사 영어 적중문제 보기

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