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2021 고2 6월 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (2)
2021 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 39번
[주어진 문장 넣기 → 밑줄 친 글의 의미]
밑줄 친 went through the roof가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Ransom Olds, the father of the Oldsmobile, could not produce his “horseless carriages” fast enough. In 1901 he had an idea to speed up the manufacturing process—instead of building one car at a time, he created the assembly line. The acceleration in production was unheard-of—from an output of 425 automobiles in 1901 to an impressive 2,500 cares the following year. While other competitors were in awe of this incredible volume, Henry Ford dared to ask, “Can we do even better?” He was, in fact, able to improve upon Old’s clever idea by introducing conveyor belts to the assembly line. As a result, Ford’s production went through the roof. Instead of taking a day and a half to manufacture a Model T, as in the past, he was now able to spit them out at a rate of one car every ninety minutes. The moral of the story is that good progress is often the herald of great progress.
*in awe of: ~에 깊은 감명을 받은 **herald: 선구자
① was likely to be stagnant
② rose to a very high level
③ fell to very low level
④ seemed to rise temporarily
⑤ reached a new limit
정답 ②
해설: go through the roof[ceiling] 치솟다, 최고에 달하다
① was likely to be stagnant (정체될 것 같았다)
② rose to a very high level (매우 높은 수준으로 상승했다)
③ fell to very low level (매우 낮은 수준으로 떨어졌다)
④ seemed to rise temporarily(일시적으로 증가하는 것 같았다)
⑤ reached a new limit (새로운 한계에 도달했다)

2021 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 39번
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Ransom Olds, the father of the Oldsmobile, could not produce his “horseless carriages” fast enough. In 1901 he had an idea to speed up the manufacturing process—instead of building one car at a time, he created the assembly line. The in production was unheard-of—from an output of 425 automobiles in 1901 to an impressive 2,500 cares the following year. While other competitors were in awe of this incredible volume, Henry Ford dared to ask, “Can we do even better?” He was, in fact, able to improve upon Old’s clever idea by introducing conveyor belts to the assembly line. As a result, Ford’s production went through the roof. Instead of taking a day and a half to manufacture a Model T, as in the past, he was now able to spit them out at a rate of one car every ninety minutes. The moral of the story is that good progress is often the herald of great progress.
*in awe of: ~에 깊은 감명을 받은 **herald: 선구자
위 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
① accumulation
② promotion
③ incentive
④ revenue
⑤ acceleration
정답 ⑤
[어휘] accumulation 누적, 축적 / promotion 장려, 홍보, 판촉 / incentive 장려책, 우대책 / revenue (정부나 기업의) 수입 / acceleration 가속
위 글이 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
① No gains without pains.
② The more, the better.
③ Blue comes from indigo, but is bluer than it.
④ Great success does not usually occur early.
⑤ Learn wisdom by the follies of others.
정답 및 해설
정답 ③
해설: Ransom Olds가 자동차 생산에 도입한 조립 라인으로 자동차 생산이 늘어났다. Henry Ford는 Ransom Olds의 앞선 기술을 발판으로 조립 라인에 컨베이어 벨트를 도입해 자동차 생산에 혁신을 이루었다. 즉, Henry Ford는 당시 최고의 솔루션인 Ransom Olds가 창안한 조립 라인에 머무르지 않고 한 단계 더 나은 기술의 진전을 이루었으므로 한자 사자성어로 바꾸면 ‘청출어람’과 비슷하다.
청출어람: 스승의 실력을 넘어선 제자. 그냥 가만히 있으면 저절로 그렇게 된다는 것이 아니라 스승이 쌓아놓은 업적을 벗삼아 제자가 노력을 해야지만 뛰어 넘을 수 있다.
① No gains without pains. (고통 없이 얻는 것은 없다. 고진감래)
② The more, the better. (많으면 많을수록 좋다. 다다익선)
③ Blue comes from indigo, but is bluer than it. (청색은 인디고에서 왔지만 그것보다 더 푸르다. 청출어람)
④ Great success does not usually occur early. (대성공은 보통 일찍 일어나지 않는다. 대기만성)
⑤ Learn wisdom by the follies of others. (남의 실수를 보고 배운다. 타산지석)
다음 중 위 글의 밑줄 친 volume과 의미가 같은 고르시오.
① Could you turn the volume down, please?
② Retail sales volumes rose by 5.4%.
③ The third volume was missing.
정답 및 선지해석
정답 ②
① Could you turn the volume down, please? (볼륨 좀 줄여 주시겠습니까?) (음량, 볼륨)
② Retail sales volumes rose by 5.4%. (소매 판매량은 5.4% 증가했다.) (양, 분량)
③ The third volume was missing. (세 번째 볼륨이 누락되었다.) (2권 이상으로 된 간행물의 권)
2021 고2 6월 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (2)
2021 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 40번
[요약문 → 요약문]
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Anne Thorndike, a primary care physician in Boston, had a crazy idea. She believed she could improve the eating habits of thousands of hospital staff and visitors without changing their willpower or motivation in the slightest way. In fact, she didn’t plan on talking to them at all. Thorndike designed a study to alter the “choice architecture” of the hospital cafeteria. She started by changing how drinks were arranged in the room. Originally, the refrigerators located next to the cash registers in the cafeteria were filled with only soda. She added water as an option to each one. Additionally, she placed baskets of bottled water next to the food stations throughout the room. Soda was still in the primary refrigerators, but water was now available at all drink locations. Over the next three months, the number of soda sales at the hospital dropped by 11.4 percent. Meanwhile, sales of bottled water increased by 25.8 percent.
요약문 1
Thorndike’s study confirmed that people often choose products not because of (A) they are, but because of (B) they are. |
(A) (B)
① what ……………… where
② what …………..…. how
③ how ………………. where
④ where ………….…. what
⑤ where …..………… how
정답 ①
요약문 해석: Thorndike의 연구에 따르면 사람들은 종종 제품이 무엇인지 때문이 아니라 어디에 제품이 있는지 때문에 제품을 선택한다.
요약문 2
Because the amount of water in a changed environment was (A) , behavior shifted (B) and without additional motivation. |
(A) (B)
① increased ……………… unusually
② increased …………..…. naturally
③ unvaried ………………. unusually
④ decreased ………….…. unusually
⑤ decreased …..………… naturally
정답 및 요약문 해석
정답 ②
요약문 해석: 변화된 환경에서 물의 양이 증가했기 때문에, 추가적인 동기 없이 행동이 자연스럽게 바뀌었다.
[어휘] unvaried 변화가 없는, 단조로운
위 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
① the importance of water consumption
② creating behavior change with motivation
③ the life-changing behavior without motivation
④ the perception change for water consumption
⑤ the importance of environment over motivation
정답 ⑤
해설: 의지나 동기를 바꾸지 않고도 환경은 인간의 행동을 형성하는 데 영향을 미치므로 ‘동기보다 환경이 인간의 행동변화’에 더 중요하므로 ⑤번이 적절하다.
① the importance of water consumption (물 소비의 중요성)
② creating behavior change with motivation (동기부여로 행동 변화 만들기)
③ the life-changing behavior without motivation (동기부여 없이 삶을 바꾸는 행동)
④ the perception change for water consumption (물 소비에 대한 인식 변화)
⑤ the importance of environment over motivation (동기보다 환경의 중요성)
2021 고2 6월 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (2)
2021 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 41-42번
[제목, 낱말의 쓰임 → 서술평가]
다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오.
Paralysis by analysis is a state of overthinking and analyzing a particular problem, but you still end up not making a decision. One famous ancient fable of the fox and the cat explains this situation of paralysis by analysis in the simplest way. In the story, the fox and the cat discuss how many ways they have to escape their hunters. Cat quickly climbs a tree. Fox, on the other hand, begins to analyze all the ways to escape that he knows. But unable to decide which one would be the best, he fails to act and gets caught by the dogs. This story perfectly illustrates the
analysis paralysis phenomenon: the inability to act or decide due to overthinking about available alternatives. People experience that although they start with a good intention to find a solution to a problem, they often analyze indefinitely about various factors that might lead to wrong decisions. They don’t feel satisfied with the available information and think they still need more data to perfect their decision. Most often this situation of paralysis by analysis arises when somebody is afraid of making an erroneous decision that can lead to potential catastrophic consequences: it might impact their careers or their organizations’ productivity. So that’s why people are generally overcautious in making decisions that involve huge stakes.
*paralysis: 마비 **stakes: (계획∙행동 등의 성공 여부에) 걸려 있는 것
서술형 테스트 1
해석을 참조해 괄호 안의 주어진 단어를 빈칸에 배열하시오. [주의: 동사는 필요한 경우 문장에 맞게 변형하기 바람]
When we’re ________________________, we may use overanalyzing _____________ our actions, for fear of ______________________.
해석: 결정을 내릴 것으로 예상될 때 우리는 잘못된 선택을 할까 봐 두려워서 행동을 지연시키는 수단으로 과잉분석을 사용할 수도 있다.
(make a decision, as a means, expect, make a wrong choice, to delay)
정답: When we’re expected to make a decision, we may use overanalyzing as a means to delay our actions, for fear of making a wrong choice.
서술형 테스트 2
해석을 참조해 괄호 안의 주어진 단어를 빈칸 (A), (B)에 배열하시오.
The more (A) , the harder (B) .
해석: 사용 가능한 데이터가 많을수록, 우리가 그것[데이터]을 처리하기가 더 어려워진다.
A: (we, available, data, have) B: (to, it, for us, process, it is)
정답: The more data we have available, the harder it is for us to process it.