2024년 10월 고1 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (14)
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2024년 10월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 35번 (1)
[무관한 문장 → 글의 순서]
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Today, the water crisis is political ― which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ― and, therefore, functionally elective. |
(A) Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.
(B) There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren’t doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent.
(C) That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization.
① (A) – (C) – (B) ② (B) – (A) – (C)
③ (B) – (C) – (A) ④ (C) – (A) – (B)
⑤ (C) – (B) – (A)
2024년 10월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 35번 (2)
[무관한 문장 → 제목]
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Today, the water crisis is political ― which is to say, not inevitable or beyond our capacity to fix ― and, therefore, functionally elective. That is one reason it is nevertheless distressing: an abundant resource made scarce through governmental neglect and indifference, bad infrastructure and contamination, and careless urbanization. There is no need for a water crisis, in other words, but we have one anyway, and aren’t doing much to address it. Some cities lose more water to leaks than they deliver to homes: even in the United States, leaks and theft account for an estimated loss of 16 percent of freshwater; in Brazil, the estimate is 40 percent. Seen in both cases, as everywhere, the selective scarcity clearly highlights have-and-have-not inequities, leaving 2.1 billion people without safe drinking water and 4.5 billion without proper sanitation worldwide.
① Water Crisis: * * * * * * * *, Not a Necessity
② How Does Political Neglect * * * * * * * *?
③ Water Crisis Is * * * * * * * * Phenomenon
④ Water Crisis: Poor * * * * * * * *
⑤ The Elective Nature of Water Scarcity and Neglect
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