2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (8)
대한민국 1% 영어강사, 찍신 이상엽 쌤은 내신과 수능에 최적화된 실전문제를 제공합니다. 찍신쌤은 대구여고, 경신고, 대륜고, 정화여고, 경북고, 사대부고, 남산고, 청구고, 대구외고 등 대구지역 수험생들을 위해 내신 맞춤 문제를 제공하고 있습니다. 수업문의: 010-2818-6994
2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 37번
[글의 순서 → 내용일치]
Britain’s Red Squirrel에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Problems often arise if an exotic species is suddenly introduced to an ecosystem. Britain’s red and grey squirrels provide a clear example. When the grey arrived from America in the 1870s, both squirrel species competed for the same food and habitat, which put the native red squirrel populations under pressure. The grey had the edge because it can adapt its diet; it is able, for instance, to eat green acorns, while the red can only digest mature acorns. Within the same area of forest, grey squirrels can destroy the food supply before red squirrels even have a bite. Greys can also live more densely and in varied habitats, so have survived more easily when woodland has been destroyed. As a result, the red squirrel has come close to extinction in England.
① The introduction of an exotic species can disrupt the balance of an ecosystem.
② Grey squirrels were outcompeted by red squirrels due to their inability to adapt to different habitats.
③ Species that can survive in higher densities are more resilient to changes, such as habitat destruction.
④ The native red squirrel population has declined due to direct competition with exotic species.
⑤ Red squirrels have been driven close to extinction in the United Kingdom.
※ 서술형 평가
해석을 참조해 빈칸을 영작하시오. [주의: 괄호 안의 주어진 단어를 이용하고, 동사는 어법에 맞게 변형하시오.]
When two species compete for the same resources, the species ____ ______ ____ the environment and _______ resources ____ _____ ________ the other.
(두 종이 동일한 자원을 놓고 경쟁할 때 환경과 이용 가능한 자원에 더 잘 적응하는 종이 다른 종을 능가할 가능성이 높다.)
(available, likely, adapt, will, better, outcompete, to)
2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 38번
[문장 삽입 → 주제]
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Growing crops forced people to stay in one place. Hunter-gatherers typically moved around frequently, and they had to be able to carry all their possessions with them every time they moved. In particular, mothers had to carry their young children. As a result, hunter-gatherer mothers could have only one baby every four years or so, spacing their births so that they never had to carry more than one child at a time. Farmers, on the other hand, could live in the same place year after year and did not have to worry about transporting young children long distances. Societies that settled down in one place were able to shorten their birth intervals from four years to about two. This meant that each woman could have more children than her hunter-gatherer counterpart, which in turn resulted in rapid population growth among farming communities. An increased population was actually an advantage to agricultural societies, because farming required large amounts of human labor.
* counterpart:
(대응 관계에 있는) 상대
① advantage of larger population for agriculture
② necessity of settling down to enable shorter birth intervals
③ impact of agriculture on population growth and childbearing
④ difficulty shifting from hunter-gather to agriculture
⑤ consequence of increased fertility and population growth
※ 서술형 평가
해석을 참조해 빈칸에 맞게 영작하시오.
________ from hunter-gatherer to agriculture _____ to _______ _____ advantage.
(수렵채집인에서 농업으로 전환은 인구 증가의 이점을 가져왔다.)
※ 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다. 교사용, 학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)
2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 39번
[문장 삽입 → 함축적 의미]
밑줄 친 culture can evolve faster than genes가 다음 글에서 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
Spending time as children allows animals to learn about their environment. Without childhood, animals must rely more fully on hardware, and therefore be less flexible. Among migratory bird species, those that are born knowing how, when, and where to migrate—those that are migrating entirely with instructions they were born with—sometimes have very inefficient migration routes. These birds, born knowing how to migrate, don’t adapt easily. So when lakes dry up, forest becomes farmland, or climate change pushes breeding grounds farther north, those birds that are born knowing how to migrate keep flying by the old rules and maps. By comparison, birds with the longest childhoods, and those that migrate with their parents, tend to have the most efficient migration routes. Childhood facilitates the passing on of cultural information, and culture can evolve faster than genes. Childhood gives flexibility in a changing world.
① Flexibility through learning in childhood is sensitive to environmental changes.
② The cultural transmission of knowledge from parents to offspring is increasingly rapid.
③ Flexibility can improve adaptation and potentially increase survival rates.
④ Childhood and learning from parents play an important role in enabling animals to adapt to a changing world.
⑤ Learned behavior can adapt more quickly to changes in the environment than inherited behavior.
※ 서술형 평가
밑줄 친 부분을 if를 사용해 가정법 표현으로 고치시오.
2024년 6월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 40번
[요약문 → 주제]
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Over the last several decades, scholars have developed standards for how best to create, organize, present, and preserve digital information for future generations. What has remained neglected for the most part, however, are the needs of people with disabilities. As a result, many of the otherwise most valuable digital resources are useless for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as for people who are blind, have low vision, or have difficulty distinguishing particular colors. While professionals working in educational technology and commercial web design have made significant progress in meeting the needs of such users, some scholars creating digital projects all too often fail to take these needs into account. This situation would be much improved if more projects embraced the idea that we should always keep the largest possible audience in mind as we make design decisions, ensuring that our final product serves the needs of those with disabilities as well as those without.
① risk of accessibility in digital resources
② necessity of ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities
③ progress in some sectors making digital resources available to the disabled
④ importance of adopting and applying the universal design for learning
⑤ academic improvement in digital projects involving users with disabilities
※ 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다. 교사용, 학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)