2024년 6월 고2 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (3)

대한민국 1% 영어강사, 찍신 이상엽 쌤은 내신과 수능에 최적화된 실전문제를 제공합니다. 찍신쌤은 대구여고, 경신고, 대륜고, 정화여고, 경북고, 사대부고, 남산고, 청구고, 대구외고 등 대구지역 수험생들을 위해 내신 맞춤 문제를 제공하고 있습니다. 수업문의: 010-2818-6994

※ 선지보기, 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다. 교사용, 학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)

2024년 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 29번 (1)

[어법 → 제목]

다음 글의 제목을 가장 적절한 것은?
The built-in capacity for smiling is proven by the remarkable observation that babies who are congenitally both deaf and blind, who have never seen a human face, also start to smile at around 2 months. However, smiling in blind babies eventually disappears if nothing is done to reinforce it. Without the right feedback, smiling dies out. But here’s a fascinating fact: blind babies will continue to smile if they are cuddled, bounced, nudged, and tickled by an adultanything to let them know that they are not alone and that someone cares about them. This social feedback encourages the baby to continue smiling. In this way, early experience operates with our biology to establish social behaviors. In fact, you don’t need the cases of blind babies to make the point. Babies with sight smile more at you when you look at them or, better still, smile back at them.
* congenitally: 선천적으로 ** cuddle: 껴안다 *** nudge: 팔꿈치로 쿡쿡 찌르다

      Emotional and Social Growth in Newborns

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      Smiling Really Can Make Babies Happier

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서술형 평가
해석을 참조해 빈칸에 맞게 영작하시오.

Early social feedback _______ _____ ______ behavior in ______.   
(초기 사회적 피드백은 아기의 타고난 웃는 행동을 강화한다.)

2024년 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 29번 (2)

[어법 → 문장 삽입]
글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.

In fact, you don’t need the cases of blind babies to make the point.

The built-in capacity for smiling is proven by the remarkable observation that babies who are congenitally both deaf and blind, who have never seen a human face, also start to smile at around 2 months. ( ) However, smiling in blind babies eventually disappears if nothing is done to reinforce it. Without the right feedback, smiling dies out. ( ) But here’s a fascinating fact: blind babies will continue to smile if they are cuddled, bounced, nudged, and tickled by an adultanything to let them know that they are not alone and that someone cares about them. ( ) This social feedback encourages the baby to continue smiling. ( ) In this way, early experience operates with our biology to establish social behaviors. ( ) Babies with sight smile more at you when you look at them or, better still, smile back at them.
* congenitally: 선천적으로 ** cuddle: 껴안다 *** nudge: 팔꿈치로 쿡쿡 찌르다

2024년 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 30번 (1)

[낱말의 쓰임 → 빈칸추론]

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

 Because people tend to adapt, interrupting positive things with negative ones                    . Take commercials. Most people hate them, so removing them should make shows or other entertainment more enjoyable. But the opposite is true. Shows are actually more enjoyable when they’re broken up by annoying commercials. Because these less enjoyable moments break up adaptation to the positive experience of the show. Think about eating chocolate chips. The first chip is delicious: sweet, melt-in-your-mouth goodness. The second chip is also pretty good. But by the fourth, fifth, or tenth chip in a row, the goodness is no longer as pleasurable. We adapt. Interspersing positive experiences with less positive ones, however, can delay adaptation. Eating a Brussels sprout between chocolate chips or viewing commercials between parts of TV shows disrupts the process. The less positive moment makes the following positive one new again and thus more enjoyable.
* intersperse: 흩뿌리다 ** Brussels sprout: 방울양배추

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     can delay negative experiences

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     can be difficult to deal with

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2024년 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 30번 (2)

[낱말의 쓰임 → 요약문]

다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
 Because people tend to adapt, interrupting positive things with negative ones can actually increase enjoyment. Take commercials. Most people hate them, so removing them should make shows or other entertainment more enjoyable. But the opposite is true. Shows are actually more enjoyable when they’re broken up by annoying commercials. Because these less enjoyable moments break up adaptation to the positive experience of the show. Think about eating chocolate chips. The first chip is delicious: sweet, melt-in-your-mouth goodness. The second chip is also pretty good. But by the fourth, fifth, or tenth chip in a row, the goodness is no longer as pleasurable. We adapt. Interspersing positive experiences with less positive ones, however, can delay adaptation. Eating a Brussels sprout between chocolate chips or viewing commercials between parts of TV shows disrupts the process. The less positive moment makes the following positive one new again and thus more enjoyable.
* intersperse: 흩뿌리다 ** Brussels sprout: 방울양배추

Interruptions of   (A)   enhance enjoyment by   (B)   adaptation.

2024년 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 31번 (1)

[빈칸추론 → 빈칸추론]

다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

 We collect stamps, coins, vintage cars even when they serve no practical purpose. The post office doesn’t accept the old stamps, the banks don’t take old coins, and the vintage cars are no longer allowed on the road. These are all side issues; the attraction is that they are in short supply. In one study, students were asked to arrange ten posters in order of attractivenesswith the agreement that afterward they could keep one poster as a reward for their participation. Five minutes later, they were told that the poster with the third highest rating was no longer available. Then they were asked to judge all ten from scratch. The poster that was no longer available was suddenly classified as the most beautiful. In psychology, this phenomenon is called reactance: _______________________, we suddenly deem it more attractive.

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    when an option is too good to be true

    if an option is much better than others

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2024년 6월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 31번 (2)

[빈칸추론 → 제목]

다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?

 We collect stamps, coins, vintage cars even when they serve no practical purpose. The post office doesn’t accept the old stamps, the banks don’t take old coins, and the vintage cars are no longer allowed on the road. These are all side issues; the attraction is that they are in short supply. In one study, students were asked to arrange ten posters in order of attractivenesswith the agreement that afterward they could keep one poster as a reward for their participation. Five minutes later, they were told that the poster with the third highest rating was no longer available. Then they were asked to judge all ten from scratch. The poster that was no longer available was suddenly classified as the most beautiful. In psychology, this phenomenon is called reactance: when we are deprived of an option, we suddenly deem it more attractive.

    Scarcity Makes Everything Desirable

    How Do Supply Shortages Affect Pricing?

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※ 선지보기정답 및 해설은 유료입니다교사용학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)

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