2023년 9월 고2 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (2)
찍신 이상엽 쌤은 최고의 문제를 만들기 위해 최선을 다합니다. 최고의 문제를 만들기 위해 한 문제에 6시간 이상의 시간이 들 때도 있습니다. 찍신 이상엽 쌤이 만든 문제가 타업체보다 나은 이유는 이러한 장인정신이 문제에 묻어 있기 때문입니다. 변형문제 구입 문의는 채널 톡 또는 010-2818-6994로 연락주세요. 아울러 고3 수험생들을 단기간에 최소 한 등급 이상 올리기를 희망하시는 강사쌤들은 채널 톡으로 문의주시면 특급 노하우를 알려드립니다.
2023년 9월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 21번 (1)
[함축적 의미 → 빈칸추론]
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
I suspect fungi are a little more forward “thinking” than their larger partners. Among trees, each species fights other species. Let’s assume the beeches native to Central Europe could emerge victorious in most forests there. Would this really be an advantage? What would happen if a new pathogen came along that infected most of the beeches and killed them? In that case, wouldn’t it be more advantageous if there were a certain number of other species around—oaks, maples, or firs—that would continue to grow and provide the shade needed for a new generation of young beeches to sprout and grow up? Diversity provides security for ancient forests. Because fungi are also very dependent on stable conditions, they support other species underground and protect them from complete collapse to ensure that .
fungus: 균류, 곰팡이류(pl. fungi) ** beech: 너도밤나무
pathogen: 병원균
① * * * * *
② * * * * *
③ they provide a few complimentary benefits for the trees
④ * * * * *
⑤ checks and balances exist between species in an ecosystem
2023년 9월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 21번 (2)
[함축적 의미 → 어휘]
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
I suspect fungi are a little more forward “thinking” than their larger partners. Among trees, each species fights other species. Let’s assume the beeches (A) foreign / native to Central Europe could emerge victorious in most forests there. Would this really be an advantage? What would happen if a new pathogen came along that infected most of the beeches and killed them? In that case, wouldn’t it be more advantageous if there were a certain number of other species around—oaks, maples, or firs—that would continue to grow and provide the shade needed (B) for / with a new generation of young beeches to sprout and grow up? Diversity provides security for ancient forests. Because fungi are also very (C) dependent / independent on stable conditions, they support other species underground and protect them from complete collapse to ensure that one species of tree doesn’t manage to dominate.
fungus: 균류, 곰팡이류(pl. fungi) ** beech: 너도밤나무
pathogen: 병원균
(A) (B) (C)
① foreign ……for ……. dependent
② native …… with ……dependent
③ native …… for ……. dependent
④ native ……. with …….independent
⑤ foreign …….with ……..independent
2023년 9월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 23번 (1)
[주제 → 요약문]
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
If cooking is as central to human identity, biology, and culture as the biological anthropologist Richard Wrangham suggests, it stands to reason that the decline of cooking in our time would have serious consequences for modern life, and so it has. Are they all bad? Not at all. The outsourcing of much of the work of cooking to corporations has relieved women of what has traditionally been their exclusive responsibility for feeding the family, making it easier for them to work outside the home and have careers. It has headed off many of the domestic conflicts that such a large shift in gender roles and family dynamics was bound to spark. It has relieved other pressures in the household, including longer workdays and overscheduled children, and saved us time that we can now invest in other pursuits. It has also allowed us to diversify our diets substantially, making it possible even for people with no cooking skills and little money to enjoy a whole different cuisine. All that’s required is a microwave.
As the microwave emerged as a key tool in changing diets, even those with limited (A) resources could experience better access to __(B)__ foods. |
※ 일부 공개용 문제를 제외한 기타 문제의 선지보기, 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다. 교사용, 학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)
2023년 9월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 23번 (2)
[주제 → 어법]
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절한 것은?
If cooking is as central to human identity, biology, and culture as the biological anthropologist Richard Wrangham suggests, it stands to reason that the decline of cooking in our time would have serious consequences for modern life, and so it (A) does / has. Are they all bad? Not at all. The outsourcing of much of the work of cooking to corporations (B) have relieved / has relieved women of what has traditionally been their exclusive responsibility for feeding the family, making it easier for them to work outside the home and have careers. It has headed off many of the domestic conflicts that such a large shift in gender roles and family dynamics was bound to spark. It has relieved other pressures in the household, including longer workdays and overscheduled children, and saved us time that we can now invest in other pursuits. It has also allowed us to diversify our diets substantially, making it possible even for people with no cooking skills and little money to enjoy a whole different cuisine. All that’s required (C) is / are a microwave.
(A) (B) (C)
① does ……have relieved …….is
② does ……has relieved …….. are
③ does ……has relieved …….. is
④ has ……. have relieved …….are
⑤ has ……. has relieved ……….is
정답 및 해설
정답 ⑤
(A) has
생물인류학자 Richard Wrangham이 주장한 것처럼 요리가 인간의 정체성, 생물학 및 문화의 중심이라면, 우리 시대에 요리의 쇠퇴가 현대 생활에 심각한 결과를 가져올 것이라는 점은 당연하고, 실제로 그래왔다. and so it has에서 has는 현재완료인 has have에서 have가 생략된 경우이다. 문장 앞부분의 조건부 즉 would have serious consequences의 would have에 설정된 조건 구조와 일치해야 하기 때문에 has가 정답이다.
(B) has relieved
주어가 단수인 The outsourcing이므로 has relieved가 맞다.
(C) is
대명사 all이 주어로 문장 맨 앞에 나오고 관계대명사 that이 생략된 형용사절이 나올 때 수 일치에 주의해야 한다. 좀 더 쉬운 설명을 위해 비틀즈 노래 ‘All you need is love’를 예를 들어보자. ‘당신이 필요로 하는 모든 것은 사랑이다’라고 해석하는 경우가 많은 데 이런 해석은 초급해석으로 좋지 않다. all이 맨 앞에 주어로 나오고 that이 생략된 관계사절이 나오는 문장에서 all은 ‘오직, 단지’(only)로 해석한다. only를 적용하면 ‘당신이 필요로 하는 건 오직 사랑 뿐’
다시 본문을 보면 All that’s required is는 All you need is와 같은 의미이며, All that’s 는 All that has를 의미한다. 앞에 언급한 예와 다른 점은 All 뒤에 관계대명사 that이 생략되지 않은 점이다. all 뒤에 목적격 관계대명사가 나오면 십중팔구 생략되지만 지문의 that은 주격이다. All만 보고 복수인 are를 고르면 안 된다 that의 선행사가 단수이므로 has required를 사용한 점에서 본동사는 is가 맞다. 또 다른 풀이방법은 be 동사 뒤 보어인 명사를 체크하면 된다. 보어자리에 명사가 나오면 주어와 동격이다. 보어인 명사가 a microwave 단수이므로 주어 All은 단수인 셈이다.
23번 제목
The Impact of Outsourcing Cooking on Modern Life
(현대 생활에 대한 요리 아웃소싱의 영향)
2023년 9월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 24번 (1)
[제목 → 어휘]
(A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은?
As you may already know, what and how you buy can be political. To whom do you want to give your money? Which companies and corporations do you value and respect? Be mindful about every purchase by carefully researching the corporations that are taking our money to decide if they (A) deserve / observe our support. Do they have a record of polluting the environment, or do they have fairtrade practices and an end-of-life plan for the products they make? Are they committed to bringing about good in the world? For instance, my family has found a company producing recycled, plastic-packaging-free toilet paper with a social conscience. They (B) attribute / contribute 50 percent of their profits to the construction of toilets around the world, and we’re genuinely happy to spend our money on this special toilet paper each month. Remember that the corporate world is built on consumers, so as a consumer you have the power to vote with your wallet and encourage companies to embrace healthier and more (C) obtainable / sustainable practices with every purchase you choose to make.
※ 일부 공개용 문제를 제외한 기타 문제의 선지보기, 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다. 교사용, 학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)
2023년 9월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 24번 (2)
[제목 → 주제]
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
As you may already know, what and how you buy can be political. To whom do you want to give your money? Which companies and corporations do you value and respect? Be mindful about every purchase by carefully researching the corporations that are taking our money to decide if they deserve our support. Do they have a record of polluting the environment, or do they have fairtrade practices and an end-of-life plan for the products they make? Are they committed to bringing about good in the world? For instance, my family has found a company producing recycled, plastic-packaging-free toilet paper with a social conscience. They contribute 50 percent of their profits to the construction of toilets around the world, and we’re genuinely happy to spend our money on this special toilet paper each month. Remember that the corporate world is built on consumers, so as a consumer you have the power to vote with your wallet and encourage companies to embrace healthier and more sustainable practices with every purchase you choose to make.
① impact of changes in consumer purchasing behavior on businesses
② consumers’ efforts to support sustainable policies of companies
③ * * * * *
④ * * * * *
⑤ * * * * *
9월 고2 모의고사 변형문제 24번 서술형 평가
해석을 참조해 빈칸을 영작하시오. [주의: 괄호 안의 주어진 단어를 이용하고, 필요한 경우 동사는 어법에 맞게 변형하시오.]
Be mindful about every purchase by carefully researching the corporations that _________________________________________________________________________.
(우리의 지원을 받을 자격이 있는지를 결정하기 위해 우리의 돈을 가져가는 기업들을 면밀히 조사함으로써 모든 구매에 주의를 기울여라.)
(decide, deserve, take, if)