2024년 9월 고1 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (1)

찍신 이상엽 쌤은 최고의 문제를 만들기 위해 최선을 다합니다. 최고의 문제를 만들기 위해 한 문제에 6시간 이상의 시간이 들 때도 있습니다. 찍신 이상엽 쌤이 만든 문제가 타업체보다 나은 이유는 이러한 장인정신이 문제에 묻어 있기 때문입니다. 변형문제 구입 문의는 채널 톡 또는 010-2818-6994로 연락주세요. 아울러 고3 수험생들을 단기간에 최소 한 등급 이상 올리기를 희망하시는 강사쌤들은 채널 톡으로 문의주시면 특급 노하우를 알려드립니다.

2024년 9월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 20번

[주장 → 제목]
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
 As the parent of a gifted child, you need to be aware of a certain common parent trap. Of course you are a proud parent, and you should be. While it is very easy to talk nonstop about your little genius and his or her remarkable behavior, this can be very stressful on your child. It is extremely important to limit your bragging behavior to your very close friends, or your parents. Gifted children feel pressured when their parents show them off too much. This behavior creates expectations that they may not be able to live up to, and also creates a false sense of self for your child. You want your child to be who they are, not who they seem to be as defined by their incredible achievements. If not, you could end up with a driven perfectionist child or perhaps a drop­out, or worse.

    Coping with Parents Who Brag about Their Child Too Much

    Pressures in School Lead to Gifted Child Dropout

    How Perfectionism Can Affect the Vicious Cycle of Child Development

    Raising a Normal Child: Balancing Pride and Pressure

    Let Your Child Shine without the Spotlight’s Pressure

정답 및 해설

정답 ⑤
해설: 영재아의 부모는 자녀의 성취에 대해 지나치게 자랑하는 것을 피해야 한다. 그렇지 않으면 비현실적인 기대와 압박감을 조성하여 완벽주의나
burnout(정신적인 극도의 피로)과 같은 부정적인 결과를 초래할 수 있기 때문이다. spotlight는 문맥상 세간의 관심을 뜻하므로 ⑤세간의 관심으로부터 부담 없이 자녀를 빛나게 하라가 적절하다. 자부심과 압박감의 균형은 영재아 양육에 관한 것이므로 ④는 Raising a Gifted Child로 고쳐야 한다.


① 자녀에 대해 너무 많이 자랑하는 부모를 대처하는 방법

② 학교의 압박감으로 인해 영재아 중퇴

③ 완벽주의가 어린이 발달의 악순환에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는가

2024년 9월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 21번 (1)

[함축적 의미 → 빈칸추론]
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
 One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, “I can’t,” is to choose to be with other persons                     . This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called “hanging out with the winners.” The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one’s own latent positive thought forms.
* latent: 잠재적인

    who let negative feelings be there without resisting them

    who have achieved a certain level of accomplishment

    who have greater spiritual virtues than we do

    who can let go of the negative feelings unconsciously

    who have resolved the problem with which we struggle

※ 일부 공개용 문제를 제외한 기타 문제의 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다. 교사용, 학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)

[서술형 1]

위 글을 요약한 아래 괄호 안의 문장을 <조건>에 맞춰 영작하시오. (3, 부분 점수 있음)
비슷한 어려움을 극복한 사람들과 함께 있으면 부정적인 사고 패턴을 긍정적인 것으로 바꾸는 데 도움이 될 수 있다.)

제시어를 모두 사용할 . 제시어의 어형 변형 가능.
17개의 단어로 이루어진 1개의 문장으로 작성할 .
제시어: be around / overcome / similar struggles / shift / ones / negative thought patterns / to

[서술형 1 정답]

Being around people who have overcome similar struggles can help shift negative thought patterns to positive ones.

2024년 9월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 21번 (2)

[함축적 의미 → 제목]
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
 One valuable technique for getting out of helplessness, depression, and situations which are predominantly being run by the thought, “I can’t,” is to choose to be with other persons who have resolved the problem with which we struggle. This is one of the great powers of self-help groups. When we are in a negative state, we have given a lot of energy to negative thought forms, and the positive thought forms are weak. Those who are in a higher vibration are free of the energy from their negative thoughts and have energized positive thought forms. Merely to be in their presence is beneficial. In some self-help groups, this is called “hanging out with the winners.” The benefit here is on the psychic level of consciousness, and there is a transfer of positive energy and relighting of one’s own latent positive thought forms.
*latent: 잠재적인

    Finding a Source of Hope for Those Who Are Struggling

    Finding Positive Energy in Negative Thought Patterns

    Overcoming Helplessness through Positive Group Influence

    The Mechanism of Letting Go of Negative Feelings in a Given Area

    Benefits of Overcoming Helplessness: Greater Self-Awareness

정답 ③

① 어려움을 겪는 사람들을 위한 희망의 근원 찾기

② 부정적인 사고 패턴에서 긍정적인 에너지 찾기

③ 긍정적인 그룹 영향력을 통한 무력감 극복

④ 특정 영역의 부정적인 감정을 해소하는 메커니즘

⑤ 무력감을 극복하는 것의 이점은 더 큰 자기 인식

2024년 9월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 22번 (1)

[요지 → 요약문]
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
Our emotions are thought to exist because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of “program” that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to exist because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.

Emotions evolved to   (A)   survival by guiding   (B)   behaviors.

(A)                  (B)

enhance …… adaptive
enhance …… selective
activate …… specific
weaken …… selective
weaken…… adaptive

2024년 9월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 22번 (2)

[요지 → 빈칸추론]
다음 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
Our emotions are thought to   (A)   because they have contributed to our survival as a species. Fear has helped us avoid dangers, expressing anger helps us scare off threats, and expressing positive emotions helps us bond with others. From an evolutionary perspective, an emotion is a kind of “program” that, when triggered, directs many of our activities (including attention, perception, memory, movement, expressions, etc.). For example, fear makes us very attentive, narrows our perceptual focus to threatening stimuli, will cause us either to face a situation (fight) or avoid it (flight), and may cause us to remember an experience more acutely (so that we avoid the threat in the future). Regardless of the specific ways in which they activate our systems, the specific emotions we possess are thought to   (B)   because they have helped us (as a species) survive challenges within our environment long ago. If they had not helped us adapt and survive, they would not have evolved with us.






Evolutionary Role of Emotions in Human Survival and Adaptation
인간의 생존과 적응에 있어서 감정의 진화적 역할)

※ 일부 공개용 문제를 제외한 기타 문제의 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다교사용학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)

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