2024년 10월 고1 모의고사 영어 변형문제 (9)

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2024년 10월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 30번 (1)

[낱말의 쓰임 → 빈칸추론]
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
 Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to pushessentially  how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part                                               .

     as followers of collective * * * * * * * *

     in a larger * * * * * * * *

     in the spirit of collective * * * * * * * *

     in pursuit of distributed * * * * * * * *

     to overcome individual cognitive limitations through social learning

2024년 10월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 30번 (2)

[낱말의 쓰임 → 제목]
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
 Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to pushessentially  how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies’ collective brains.

     How Collective Computation Helps * * * * * * *  

     Collective Computation: Learning Only * * * * * * *

     Collective Computation: Small Minds Contributing * * * * * * *

     Understanding Technology: Distributed * * * * * * * *

     Distributed Computation: Small Brains, Big Collective Calculation Power

※ 일부 공개용 문제를 제외한 기타 문제의 선지보기, 정답 및 해설은 유료입니다. 교사용, 학생용 워드파일 구입문의는 채널 톡 또는 전화(010-2818-6994)

2024년 10월 고1 모의고사 변형문제 30번 (3)

[낱말의 쓰임 → 요약문]
다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
 Herbert Simon won his Nobel Prize for recognizing our limitations in information, time, and cognitive capacity. As we lack the resources to compute answers independently, we distribute the computation across the population and solve the answer slowly, generation by generation. Then all we have to do is socially learn the right answers. You don’t need to understand how your computer or toilet works; you just need to be able to use the interface and flush. All that needs to be transmitted is which button to pushessentially  how to interact with technologies rather than how they work. And so instead of holding more information than we have mental capacity for and indeed need to know, we could dedicate our large brains to a small piece of a giant calculation. We understand things well enough to benefit from them, but all the while we are making small calculations that contribute to a larger whole. We are just doing our part in a larger computation for our societies’ collective brains.

According to Herbert Simon’s theory, this emphasizes the importance of  (A)

learning, where individuals learn how to interact with technology rather than understanding its    (B)   .    

        (A)                            (B)    

collective   ……   computation
social        ……   function
shared      ……   solution
distributed ……   resources
cognitive   ……   progress 

[서술형 3]
빈칸에 들어갈 말을 <조건>에 맞게 영어로 쓰시오. [각각 2.5, 부분 점수 있음]

Herbert Simon’s work emphasized the limitations in human information processing, time, and cognitive capacity. This suggests that individuals cannot                                                   . To overcome these limitations, computation is distributed across society. People contribute                                              .

제시어를 모두 사용할 . 필요한 단어를 추가할 것.
본문의 연속된 단어 3개 이상을 그대로 쓰지 말 것.

제시어 (A): independently, complex problems  (B): generations, small parts, collective understanding

제시어 포함해 (A), (B) 각각 9단어로 .

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